January 29, 2012

The Stripes Collection

I have been working on a different post for what seems like weeks. Deciding what to say and then erasing it. Ever go through that?

Anyway, I have had a pretty rough month of sickness. Between losing my voice (completely) twice this month and feeling really run-down, I just needed a break. I have been struggling a lot with creative energy--finding it, keeping it, using it. There are times when I'm so inspired it stops me in my tracks. Of course, this always happens when I am not around any materials in which I can "make something" with. I record all my ideas in a handy notebook, but hours later the notebook just sits in the same place I put it before; therefore, not much is getting accomplished around here.

Heading into this weekend, I wanted to feel like I was on the mend. On the mend from these pesky sicknesses that have been exhausting me, on the mend of creative energy, and just trying to balance my spirit. I needed to re-fill my well. My body was screaming for rest, so I went to bed before 9 p.m. on Friday and pleasantly slept until 7:30 a.m. Saturday morning. It was so blissful and I felt so rejuvenated that I jumped into my car and took myself to Columbia (about a 30 minute drive) to do a little leisurely shopping at Hobby Lobby, JoAnn's, and Old Navy. I never go to Old Navy (we don't have one in Frederick, which is sort of weird to me)--so I was really caught off guard when all their merchandise was for spring. I took a look at their brightly colored skirts, dresses, and tanks and finally realized that while I had been yearning for a snow-filled winter, I wasn't embracing the warmth and sunshine of this unusual January. It was just what I needed. I didn't buy anything, but I felt a lot better. Last night, Cory and I went out for a quick bite to eat and a drink, just for a change of scenery. We had the best time, just talking and being with one another. It was just what I needed. Long story short, this weekend has been really helping me get over this funk I had found myself in for so long.

Without realizing it, throughout the day I had been working on some crocheted pieces that were inspired just by the colors of the yarns. I had a heap of yarn sitting in a crate before me, and I just naturally saw these color combinations that made me really happy. One thing led to another, and I ended up producing a collection of cowls that I really love. I introduce you to the Stripes Collection.

These cowls are one of a kind and will never be made again. I enjoyed making each and every one of them, as they offered a sense of serenity to my work. That is why once February 29th rolls around, they will not be available again. The Stripes Collection is just me working through whatever I'm going through right now, trying to find a way to transition between winter and spring.

These cowls are only $25 and are only available until 2/29!

I hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend.


  1. So glad to hear that you did what you needed to do to feel better - physically, emotionally, creatively! I love the striped cowls.
