February 17, 2011

What I Need to Get Rid of...


Hey, beautiful readers.

Your supportive comments have been so sweet and thoughtful. I know rough weeks happen in everyone's life, but I do feel a little extra special to have so many kind words directed in my way.

After another dramatic day, I decided to sit on my front porch for about 2 hours and just listen to nature. It was awesome. I then grabbed some yarn, and silently sat and crocheted. It was even more awesome! I finally got some quiet time! (Cory was out playing frisbee with some town folk.) Once he returned, we went out for a late sushi dinner and ate very slowly. The slow, relaxed pace of the evening has been just what the doctor ordered.  Hooray!

I was scrolling through my Reader earlier today and I skimmed over a blog post (that I can't seem to find right now!) that discussed the idea of instead of making "To Do" Lists why not make a list of all things you want to "Get Rid Of"? It was pretty much exactly what I needed to see. All evenign I have been thinking about what I need to get rid of, and while some of them are private, I thought I would share a few.

What I Need to Get Rid of this weekend:
-old clothes
-clutter in the bedroom
-books we no longer read
-my anxiety/fears about work

What I Need to Get Rid of within the next week:
-a whole lot of yarn (ridding of it by turning it into beautiful projects & creations!)
-winter decorations around the house
-unread books that glare at me from my nightstand (just read them already!)
-ambiguous plans to visit friends (just plan it!)

I like this format for list making. I think it actually helps me focus. It's like learning backwards. I love it.

Here's to you, dear readers, for helping me keep my sanity!

Big hug :)

1 comment:

  1. I think your list idea is a great one! And I think that it's terrific that you got some time to crochet slowly and thoughtfully.
