March 23, 2012

Recycled Art: Dental X-rays!

While at FiberPhiladelphia, Whitney and I visited a really cool warehouse turned art gallery called the Crane Arts Building. It is broken down into many different galleries and work studios, so beyond the fiber art, there was a lot the other cool innovative art. 

What you may not know is that my mother has worked at a dental office ever since she graduated from high school. That's right. When I was in high school I would put long hours in over the summer organizing (and sometimes re-organizing) their filing system, assisting with cleaning equipment, and greeting patients. Looking back now, it was a really good experience for me to see what the professional world was like before I went to college. It helped me get into the mindset of working with the public and keeping a routine. Plus, the best perk of all, the money was great and I got to hangout with my mom most days. Now, to be real for a moment, I really hated having to wake up so early when the rest of my friends were staying up late and sleeping in, but when all was said and done, it really wasn't that bad. 

While I strolled through the art gallery, I stumbled across the most amazing (+ beautiful) piece of art made from recycled goods that I have ever seen. Here it is:

It is the most stunning floral sculpture made of recycled dental x-rays! I love the texture that the x-rays naturally provide, both color and textile. 

Across from the sculpture was another sculpture arranged as a beautiful plant with a few "leaves" scattered among the fixture.

What art have you recently seen that uses an uncommon material? I feel like seeing these sculptures have caused me to look at every day materials in an entirely new way! I love it when that happens. :)


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