April 21, 2011

Well hello, Spring Break!


Good morning!

I am finally on Spring Break (we celebrate Spring Break the week of Easter in Maryland), and unlike most Maryland counties, my school district only gives us Thursday-Monday off. It's not so bad, to be honest. We get out of school for summer vacation earlier than most counties, so I think it's a fair trade off.

The last few weeks have been really great at work. My co-worker and I have been changing up our class structure and the students seem to really be enjoying it. Sure, we're putting in a lot of work making lessons and starting from scratch, but it's worth it when the kids enjoy it so thoroughly. When we return from Spring Break, we will only have 25 days of school left until summer (we get out June 2nd)! I'm really excited for this summer, because unlike last summer when we were overwhelmed with wedding CRAZINESS, I'm  hoping Cory and I can have a lot of fun together and really get some deep relaxation in our bones!

Throughout this Spring Break, I have a lot of crocheting to do. I have a mess of shows coming up (and am very excited for them!), but not a lot of inventory. I also picked up a few books at Strand bookstore in NYC last weekend (the most amazing bookstore EVER) that I can't wait to get into.

Cory and I have our share of family engagements as well this weekend. We're celebrating Easter Saturday night with my mother's family by joining together for a family dinner and loads of games. Sunday we'll head over to Cory's aunt's house for family lunch and probably a very competitive Easter egg hunt! I know it's coming... they're very competitive in everything they do.

Well, that's my Spring Break run down. I am so thrilled to have the next few days to relax, crochet, read, enjoy time with my family, and above all, enjoy time with Cory. It's really awesome that we have the same work schedule. It makes life so much easier. 

Anywho, here's to you and your weekend or break! 


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