March 6, 2012

Book Review: The Fault in Our Stars

You guys know I'm obsessed with John Green. His books and his videos are a constant source of entertainment for me. The thing I love the most about John Green, however, is the ability to share him. I love sharing him with my husband, but more than that, I really love sharing him with my students. He's a great option for the kid in class who wants to read something but isn't into cheesy vampires or any of the other over-the-top-trendy books. He's a great option for the quiet kid who wants a good laugh. He's a great option for the kid who thinks they know everything. He's just perfect and has always been my go-to recommendation for mature students.

There had been a lot of press regarding Green's latest publication, The Fault in Our Stars. Throughout the latter months of 2011, more and more was exposed on his vlog and throughout the mainstream press. As a person who has truly loved everything Green has ever published, I am overjoyed for his current success.

So, TFIoS is narrated by Hazel, a cancer-surviving, strong willed teenager who is quick witted and fresh. While she continues to under go treatment, her mother convinces her to attend a kids-with-cancer support group to make friends. This is where our plot unfolds. At the first group meeting, a handsome boy walks into the room, Augustus Waters. Long story short, they fall into like and become best of friends. Throughout the text they experience healthy highs and very sick lows, but somehow they always survive them together.

What I enjoyed most about this text is it's sense of urgency. Having lost many people in my life to cancer, I can understand and respect that a moment must not go by wasted. It's easy to take our time when first dating someone, but when you have cancer, can you really take it slow?

Also, I felt as if the characters were supremely genuine. No conversation felt contrived, and even though Green's books are usually full of wit and cynicism, it was appropriate that this text be different. The characters were different. The demands of their lives were different. It was ok for his prose to be different, too. 

I finished this text within 48 hours of starting it. As I finished the last 20 pages, I began to sob quietly, as the beauty of the text came to an end. I felt as if I wanted to cry for these characters and the heartbreak they must have experienced. It felt so real and true. Now, for those of you who may not want to cry during good reads--with this one, you do.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. 

I hope you give it a try or at least give it to a friend!

1 comment:

  1. I pre-ordered the book but haven't had a chance to read it yet. I'm a huge John Green fan as well and can't wait to start on it. I've heard great things!
